My term as President of the Board of ACCPF has come to an end and I am honored to pass the torch to Charlie Plummer, who has served as our Vice President for the past year.  Over the past few years we have been extremely busy and we are currently in the midst of very exciting times for ACCPF. 

Among our accomplishments over the past few years there are many highlights. The foundation has taken over the administration of the Reindeer Run and grown this beloved holiday event to record setting participation this year. We purchased and deployed our mobile classroom, bringing our amazing programming to kids and families throughout American Canyon and Napa Valley. We have kept our dedicated staff and grown the organization to be able to keep up with the demands of the increased activities, events and programming, along with the partnerships, fundraising and grants. Lastly, and most importantly, we have made tremendous progress on developing our future home, the Napa River Ecology Center. In three short years, we have negotiated and secured a lease, obtained approvals for our project through the City of American Canyon, secured $5.3 million dollars in grants and donations and developed the plans for the facility to 100% design level drawings, which will allow us to put the project out to bid once we close the remaining $3.7 million funding gap.

None of this would be possible without our dedicated board, amazing staff, community partners and most importantly, our members and supporters. Thank you to everyone who is a part of this amazing organization that strives to put nature and community together through dynamic environmental education and outdoor programs.

I look forward to continuing our trajectory through my continued involvement as a member of the Board

Raffi Boloyan